About Karen Cruise
Karen Cruise isn’t only an experienced, accredited coach, she’s also a hard working mum with many years of employment in the corporate world, the last 10 at a very senior level.
She has ‘lived experience’ of how hopelessness and a lack of confidence can negatively impact young people; as well as how hope and self belief intermingled with the right support, can positively change lives.
She knows because that’s her story!
A Natural Desire to Help Others
From being a little girl, I have always wanted to teach, I've not wanted to do anything else but teach. At primary school I used to watch the teachers in awe and imagine that was me standing at the front of the class - teaching.
There has just always been this desire within me to help others, and watching teachers helping others to read and 'be clever' was fascinating to me.
I loved reading and became very good at English. My mum was great at English too, so I am sure I was very influenced by this.

The Job That Changed My Life
Unfortunately, at secondary school my love of and ability in English and other subjects were not recognised or encouraged. On the contrary, there were many times I felt my work was downgraded by my English teacher.
She had made it obvious that she did not like me very much. I wasn’t pushed or encouraged. Unsurprisingly, I left school with low-level grades – not enough to allow me to consider teaching as a career.
I felt a failure, lost even hopeless and all dreams of becoming a teacher were dashed.
After school I went to college and undertook a secretarial course. This led me to a job in social housing which I grew to love – again it was the aspect of helping others, my job was all about this.
I spent 25 in the last company and this is where my life changed completely.
Graduating with Honours
The CEO must have seen a spark of potential in me and he fed that spark and encouraged me to apply for different roles, take up lots of training opportunities and go back to college to get my first housing qualification.
Having someone believe in me was just the motivation I needed to really start to excel.
I even found myself going to university and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Seeing my mum tearful with pride on my graduation day still stands out as one of the absolute highlights of my life.

A Successful Career and a University Degree
That spark of potential grew into a flame fuelled with renewed confidence, self-belief and hope and by the time I left the organisation I had become a senior manager and earned my seat around the board room table with the rest of our Senior Leadership Team.
A few years before leaving though I was asked to take part in some management development training, and it was then I was introduced to coaching.
I absolutely loved witnessing how implementing the coaching skills I learned made such a positive impact on my personal and professional life. I took up the offer to be trained as a coach and qualified in 2008.
Having achieved all these successes made me question how it could be that I made such a transformation in my life.
It was as if I was 2 different people – leaving school hopeless and with no qualifications yet here I was with a very successful career and a university degree!
What contributed to that turnaround in my life?
Enrolling in College at The Age of 52
I now know for sure these were the elements that had a life changing effect on me: someone who believed in me, someone who saw my potential and helped me to see it too, and applying a coaching approach to all that I do.
So, I decided to test myself just a little more. I thought if I can achieve all of this there’s no reason why I can’t pass my GCSE's.
So, I challenged myself to enrol at college at the age of 52 and take my core GCSE’s. I was over the moon when results day came around and I had achieved excellent grades in all my subjects.
Turning Business Ideas into Reality
That is when it hit me.
I wondered how many children felt the way I did when I was younger?
How many young people were there walking around consumed by self-doubt and not achieving anywhere near what they are capable of?
Using the skills and experiences I had attained; I knew how much I could help young people be their absolute best and live fulfilled lives.
Out of my past life my business ideas blossomed.

The Success You Desire Lies Within You
Firstly, Cruise Coaching Consultancy where we worked within schools, colleges and universities coaching young people to help them realise their fullest potential.
Secondly, Flourished Minds Ltd where we do more of the same just on a bigger scale and in a structure that makes us even more accessible.
Therefore, we now extend our service not just to young people but to all the significant people in their lives too.
In summary, let no one else determine what you are capable of.

Everything you need in order to achieve the success you desire lies within you.
Flourished Minds will just show you how to tap into and utilise the potential you already possess.
Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Consultation
Call us today for your free 15 minute consultation.
We will listen to what's worrying you and by the time you put the phone down you’ll know exactly how we will be able to help you or that young person you care about.
Remember, supporting children and young people to be their absolute best is our only mission.
We are not frightened by having difficult conversations.
Supporting young people to excel is our purpose. Having a conversation with you is the first step to positively change someone’s life.